Thursday, 19 December 2013

New Year Offer: Vegetarian / Vegan Vitamins, Minerals, Omega 3 DHA / EPA

Healthy Eating & Nutrition News: Offer: Vegetarian / Vegan Vitamins, Minerals, Omega 3 DHA / EPA

It would be nice to think that a plant based diet is all you need to be optimally healthy and it would be true were that not confounded by stressful modern lives, inadequate nutrition in processed foods, depletion of minerals in the soil, modern viruses attacking the immune system, lack of sunshine et al.

So when you see a 'just in case', 'health insurance' 3 for 2 offer like this you may be excused for thinking that it's Christmas and you just can't say "NO"

Unbelievable 3 for 2 New Year January Sale offers on plant based absorb-able multi vitamins and minerals

Vegan Multivit

From £2.60 per month (90 day supply per pot)

includes Vitashine Plant-Source Vitamin D3.

Plant based EPA rich Omega 3 DHA

Vegan DHA EPA Omega 3

From £10.73 per month (200mg EPA 400mg DHA)

Plant based vitamin D3


 From £3.50 per month (60 day supply per pot)

 A vegan Vitamin D3 product in a 1,000 iu spray or 1000/2500 iu supplement capsule

Friday, 3 May 2013

McDonald's Profit Warning: Vegan Diet Spikes in UK, Germany, Israel

London Business Blog: McDonald's Shares Warning: Vegan Diet Doubled in UK Israel Romania & Germany

It's now an International trend. People searching for 'vegan diets' and 'vegan recipes' as veganism seems to have hit critical mass in mid 2011 and carried on rock and rolling ever since. In the UK , Israel, Germany and Romania there seems to have been a particular increase in interest in vegan diets as interest rates have doubled according to Google Trends.

Stig Harder from points to Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology for an explanation. Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures.

Meat Industry Profit Warning: Vegan Diet Doubled in UK & Germany

London Business Blog: McDonald's Shares Warning: Vegan Diet Doubled in UK & Germany

With veganism doubling in the last 2 years in not just the UK but in Germany, Israel, and Romania  it looks like long term futures of meat and dairy could be seriously compromised. Smart money is clearly in Vegan Products proven by Bill Gates' comments in an online presentation on his blog and Twitter's Biz Stone's new venture Beyond Meat

People interested in finding out more should check out 

Monday, 25 March 2013

Vegan diet interest 30-40% points up on Google Trends

UK Vegan Explosion – Vegan diet interest averaging 30-40% points higher on Google in 2013 | PRLog

It seems like there's no stopping the rise in veganism and interest in vegan diets in the UK. Whilst millions of people search for vegan recipes on Google for vegan desserts, vegan chocolate cake, cookies , brownies etc Vegfest UK at London Olympia is getting ready for it's biggest show ever to prove just how easy, how much fun and how delicious it is to live a healthier more sustainable lifestyle.

Don't forget to vote in the Vegfest awards

This year for the first time there is a category for Best City